International conferences
- "IGM Metal Enrichment in CROCODILE" Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Cosmology and galaxy astrophysics with simulations and machine learning 2024, Flatiron Institute, CCA, 2024/12/09-12 (oral)
- "IGM Metal Enrichment in CROCODILE Simulation", Oku, Y., AGORA in Asia + 5th Numerical Galaxy Formation Meeting in Korea, Seoul National University (attending remotely), 2024/05/07 (oral)
- "Osaka Feedback Model II: Modeling Supernova Feedback Based on High-Resolution Simulations", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Cen, R., 2022 Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop, UC Santa Cruz, 2022/08/19 (oral)
- "Osaka Feedback Model II: Modeling Supernova Feedback Based on High-Resolution Simulations", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Cen, R., IAU Symposium 373 "Resolving the Rise and Fall of Star Formation in Galaxies", BEXCO, Busan, Korea, 2022/08/02-11 (oral)
- "Osaka Feedback Model II: Modelling supernovae based on high-resolution simulations", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Cen, R., 1st KooGiG-Junior Workshop, Online meeting, 2021/11/01-05 (oral)
- "Osaka Feedback Model II: Modeling Supernovae Based On High-Resolution Simulations", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Cen, R., 9th annual Workshop of the AGORA Project, Online meeting, 2021/08/12-13 (recorded video talk)
Domestic conferences
- "IGM Metal Enrichment in CROCODILE Simulation", Oku, Y., ILR workshop @ Osaka 2024, 大阪大学, 2024/09/25-27 (oral)
- "Resolving the Multiphase Circumgalactic Medium with GAMER GPU Code", Oku, Y., Supercomputing for Astronomy, Zhejiang Lab, 2024/05/21 (oral)
- "Prediction for the IGM tomographic survey by GADGET4-OSAKA simulation", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., 日本天文学会2024年春季年会, 東京大学, 2024/03/11-12 (oral)
- "CROCODILE: Cosmological simulation with physically-motivated feedback models", Oku, Y., Satellite workshop "Formation and Evolution of the Galaxies with Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph", NAOJ Mitaka, 2024/03/09-10 (oral)
- "Local Star-forming Galaxies in CROCODILE", Oku, Y., Dense GAS in Nearby Galaxies – ALMA Workshop, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, 2024/03/04-06 (oral)
- "宇宙論的銀河形成シミュレーションで探る IGM 金属汚染とフィードバック物理", Oku, Y., Rironkon Symposium 2023, 弘前大学, 2023/12/25-27 (oral)
- "SN Feedback, Cosmological Galaxy Formation", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Osaka-CCA-Pisa mini ILR workshop, Osaka University, 2023/11/14-15 (oral)
- "Cosmological hydrodynamical simulation with feedback model based on high-resolution simulations", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Resolving the Extragalactic Universe with ALMA and JWST, Waseda University, 2023/11/06-10 (poster)
- "フィードバックと金属汚染", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., 微細構造輝線勉強会, 愛媛大学, 2023/09/04-05 (oral)
- "Cosmological Simulation with Osaka Feedback Model II", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Galaxy-IGM Workshop 2023, アクトシティ浜松, 2023/07/31-08/04 (oral)
- "Preventive Feedback on Accretion to Galaxies", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., 第11回 山田研究会「宇宙における降着現象 ~活動性・多様性の源~」, 京都大学, 2023/06/3-5 (poster)
- "Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulation For Galaxy-IGM Study in PFS Era", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., 国際先導研究キックオフ会議, 国立天文台三鷹, 2023/05/30-06/01 (poster)
- "PFS 時代の galaxy-IGM study に向けた宇宙論的流体シミュレーション", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., 日本天文学会2023年春季年会, 立教大学, 2023/03/13-16 (oral)
- "Cosmological hydrodynamical simulation for the galaxy-IGM study in the PFS era", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., 9th Galaxy Evolution Workshop, Kyoto University, 2023/02/20-23 (poster)
- "PFS 時代の galaxy-IGM study に向けた宇宙論的流体シミュレーション", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., 2022(令和4)年度 国立天文台CfCAユーザーズミーティング, 国立天文台三鷹, 2023/01/26-27 (poster)
- "PFS 時代の galaxy-IGM study に向けた宇宙論的流体シミュレーション", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Rironkon Symposium 2022, コラッセふくしま, 2022/12/21-23 (poster)
- "高分解能シミュレーションに基づいた超新星フィードバックモデルの構築", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Cen, R., 2022 Spring Annual Meeting, The Astronomical Society of Japan, Online meeting, 2022/03/02-05 (oral)
- "Osaka Feedback Model II: Modeling Supernova Feedback Based on High-Resolution Simulations", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Cen, R., Galaxy Evolution Workshop 2021, Online meeting, 2022/02/07-10 (oral)
- "高分解能シミュレーションに基づいた超新星フィードバックモデルの構築", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Cen, R., 令和3年度 国立天文台 CfCAユーザーズミーティング, Online meeting, 2022/01/18-19 (oral)
- "高分解能シミュレーションに基づいた超新星爆発フィードバックモデルの構築", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Cen, R., Rironkon symposium 2021, Online meeting, 2021/12/22-24 (poster)
- "多相アウトフローを考慮した超新星爆発フィードバックモデルの構築", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., 2021 Autumn Annual Meeting, The Astronomical Society of Japan, Online meeting, 2021/09/13 (oral)
- "多相アウトフローを考慮した超新星爆発フィードバックモデルの構築", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Galaxy-IGM workshop 2021, Online meeting, 2021/08/16-20 (oral)
- "超新星残骸の時間発展を考慮した超新星フィードバックモデルの構築", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., 2021 Spring Annual Meeting, The Astronomical Society of Japan, Online meeting, 2021/03/16-19 (oral)
- "Modeling Supernovae Based on High-resolution Simulations", Oku, Y., Tomida, K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., CfCA Users' Meeting 2020, Online, 2021/01/19-20 (poster)
- "高分解能シミュレーションに基づいた超新星フィードバックモデルの構築", Oku, Y., Tomida,K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., 2020 Autumn Annual Meeting, The Astronomical Society of Japan, Online meeting, 2020/09/08-10 (oral)
- "Modeling Supernovae Based on High Resolution Simulations", Oku, Y., Tomida, K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Galaxy-IGM workshop 2020, Online meeting, 2020/08/03-07 (oral)
- "超新星フィードバックの金属量依存性", Oku, Y., Tomida, K., 2020 Spring Annual Meeting, The Astronomical Society of Japan, Tsukuba U., 2020/03/16-19 (oral)
- "Towards Modeling Supernovae in Galaxy Formation Simulation", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Tomida, K., CfCA Users' Meeting 2019, NAOJ Mitaka, 2020/01/20-21 (poster)
- "銀河形成シミュレーションでの超新星フィードバックモデルに向けて", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Tomida, K., Rironkon symposium 2019, NAOJ Mitaka, 2019/12/25-27 (poster)
- "Towards Modeling Supernovae in Galaxy Formation Simulation", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., First Stars & First Galaxies Workshop 2019, Nagoya U., 2019/11/11-13 (poster)
- "分子シミュレーションによる高密度流体の相分離の研究", Oku, Y., Ikeda, A., Takae, K., 2020 Autumn Meeting , The Physical Society of Japan, Gifu U., 2019/09/10-13 (oral)
- "Study On Relation Between Mass Accretion On Dark Matter Halo And Star Formation Rate Using Cosmological Simulation", Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Galaxy-IGM workshop 2019, Kitami Institute of Technology, 2019/08/05-09 (oral)
- "シミュレーションによるダークマターハローへの質量降着と星形成率の関係の考察", Oku, Y., 第49回 天文・天体物理若手夏の学校, ロワジールホテル豊橋, 2019/07/30-08/02 (poster)
Colloquium / Seminars
- Nov 29, 2023, Scuola Normale Superiore, Talk at Cosmology Group, "IGM metal enrichment by Supernova and AGN Feedback"
- Nov 21, 2023, University of Milano Bicocca, Astrocoffe, "Supernova and AGN Feedback in Galaxies and IGM"
- Mar 24, 2023, Flatiron Institute, CCA Galaxy Formation group meeting, "Osaka Feedback Model II: Modeling Supernova Feedback Based on High-Resolution Simulations"